Thursday, January 24, 2013

Parker's Artwork Photo Book

One of my New Years Resolutions was to be more organized, which has probably been on the list a few times before.  Anyways, if any of you are like me and have kids in daycare or school you have probably accumulated quite a few pieces of artwork.  I always try to display them for a little while when they come home, but then they end up in a box.  I have a hard time getting rid of things, especially things Parker has made.  A couple weeks ago I received a free coupon code from Shutterfly for a free photo book, so I decided it would be a good time to compile all of Parker's artwork into a small, 20 page, 8x8 photo book.  The coupon code was only good for about a week, so it forced me to get this project done fairly quickly.  And it wasn't completely free, I still had to pay $10 or so for shipping, so I'm sure they are still making some money.

I took out Parker's box of artwork and took about 175 pictures of all of it, then uploaded it to Shutterfly and created a nice book of all his masterpieces.  Then I threw almost all of the artwork away.  Sorry P!  I did save a few favorites like the mother's and father's day projects Parker made for Chris and I.  I also took pictures of a few cards Parker received from teachers and included those in the book.  It will be fun to look at later down the road.

Parker was excited to look at his new photo book.  I try to make him a photo book every year of all the things we are done and he really enjoys looking through them.  I'm just hoping he doesn't ask where all his artwork went... but, it won't take long before we have another box full and I'll have to make another book.

What does everyone else do with their kid's artwork?  Anything creative?

Happy Champagne Thursday!


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